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View a Case's History

The History tab on a case's page contains a log of all actions performed on the case. There are 3 sub-tabs under History:

  1. Audit: a complete historical audit trail of all actions users have completed on the case and its child records. As the Audit history grid contains multiple data types, rows from this grid history cannot be exported.
  2. Workflow: all actions related to workflows. Please see a full description in Workflow History. The Workflow history grid can be exported to a CSV file.
  3. Action: a record of automated actions carried out by the system based on rules (both standalone and workflow) configured by your System Administrator, including notifications, setting flags, reassignments, etc. The Action history grid can also be exported to a CSV file.

Audit history contains a variety of data types, including a record of all views, i.e. a user loading a case page and reading the record. By default, the “Action” filter above the grid is set to “Exclude Views”, as shown in the screenshot below. When a child record of the case is deleted, any entries related to the child record will be greyed out in the History grid.

The Audit sub-tab of the case's page History tab.

The columns in the Audit history grid help to categorize the different types of data summarized in this chart:

  • User: identifies the user who performed the action.
  • Action: describes the type of action that occurred.
  • Changes: shows the field values that were changed in the action, detailing the original value (“from” in the Audit history row) and the value following the change (“to”).
  • Reference: if the action was not performed on the record itself, but on an associated record of the case, this column provides more information on the record where the action was completed.
  • Time: the date and time when the action occurred. 

If you click an entry related to a child record in the case's Audit history grid, you will be navigated to the child record's page for more details. However, you will not be able to access a child record if it has been deleted.