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Edit, Disable, or Configure a System Notification

System Administrators can manage the standard notifications in the application from the System Notifications page in Settings. Under the System tab, select “System Notifications” in the page menu. 

You can view every type of notification that the application automatically sends to users in the System Notifications grid. All standard notification types are detailed in the "List of Default System Notifications" tab of this article. To view more details or make changes to a notification, click a row in the System Notifications grid to access the notification’s page. This article (1) describes all fields on the notification's page, (2) explains how to edit notification messages, (3) lists all fields you can add to notification messages, and (4) provides examples of updating notifications.

View, Edit, or Disable a Notification

Each notification’s page contains all details and configuration options for the notification type. To change the notification’s setting, click the Edit button. The notification's page will now be in edit mode. Use the text boxes and radio buttons to update the information in the notification's page form fields. 


Who Will Receive a System Notification?

The distribution list of system notifications is contextually determined. This means that users will receive a system notification if: 

  • They are involved in an event that occurred in the application (e.g. the user was reassigned as the owner of a case). 
  • They execute an action (e.g. the user changed their password).  
  • They receive an email (e.g. another individual replied to an email the user sent).

Because of this, System Administrators cannot change who will receive notifications on the front end of their application. Please submit a change request with your Customer Support team to directly change a notification's distribution list.

However, you can create automation in the application to send a notification to additional users. By setting up a rule, you can customize (1) what will trigger the notification, (2) any specific criteria that a record must meet to trigger a notification, (3) when the notification is sent, (4) the exact distribution list of the notification, and (5) the message and information sent in the notification. See the Add a Rule article for details on creating automated notification rules.

See the following guidance on the Notification fields below:

  • Disabled: by default, “Disabled” will be set to “No” for all standard notifications. If you would like to turn off the notification for all users, select “Yes”.
  • Methods: select how users should receive the notification. If you have integrated a Twilio account, you may select the “SMS” option in addition to “Email”. For details on connecting your Twilio account with Case IQ, see Twilio Integration.
  • Locked: choose if users can disable the notification on their user profile. If you set “Locked” to “Yes”, they will not be able to disable the notification. By default, system notifications are not locked.
  • Save to Inbox: choose if the message will be saved to recipients’ in-application inboxes, so they can view the notification in Case IQ later. This option is not recommended for notifications that contain sensitive information, such as a user’s password.
  • Language: choose language for which you want to edit the notification content. The system will store the "Subject", "HTML Body", and "Text Body" separately for each language, so you can edit the notification content separately for each language.
  • Subject: the subject line of the notification. The text in this field will be used as the subject line for email notifications and the header for notifications in-application. See more details on adding field data into the notification subject in the "Configure a Notification's Content" tab of this article.
  • HTML Body: the formatted version of the notification content. The HTML Body text will be used by modern email clients and for in-application notifications. See details on updating this text in the "Configure a Notification's Content" tab of this article.
  • Text Body: the plain-text version of the notification content. If your organization uses an older email client or an email client with high security settings, the email client will use the Text Body content instead of the HTML Body. It is recommended to add Text Body content to ensure email clients do not block your notification emails with their spam filters. See details on updating this text in the "Configure a Notification's Content" tab of this article.

Click the Save button to implement your changes to the notification. The video clip below shows how to disable a notification, which will prevent it from being sent to users. 


Configure a Notification's Content

Notifications can contain two types of text:

  1. Static text that will be the same every time the notification is sent to users. In the screenshot below, the static text is highlighted in purple
  2. Placeholder text, called “tags”, that Case IQ will recognize and replace with contextual information when the notification is generated. The tags are highlighted in pink in the screenshot below.

The following text is highlighted in blue in the Notification's page HTML Body field: "{case.caseNumber}" and "{}". All other text is highlighted in orange.

By including both types of text, notification messages are standardized but always contain relevant information, such as the date, record number, or action, when the notification is sent to a user. System Administrators can update both types of text in a notification’s Subject, HTML Body, and Text Body fields.

You can add the tags in the following chart to a notification's content. In addition to the tags below, you can include any case field in system notifications. See the Static Field Glossary for all case field name tags.


Case, Email, and To-Do Information Only

You can only add information about the following record types in system notification content: cases, to-dos, and emails.

Entity Field Name Tag
Primary party {case.primaryPartyId__partyName}
Body {email.body}
Email ID
Email Thread ID
Sender {email.senderName}
Subject {email.subject}
Entity shared with external user Entity type {entityName}
Entity URL {entityUrl}
Shared file Attachment ID {attachmentId}
File ID {id}
Attachment name {fileName}
Recipient email {email}
Expiry date
Shared file message {message}
Verification code
System Actor {}
Language {language}
Login URL {loginUrl}
Base URL {system.baseUrl}
Customer name {}
Team description {team.description}
Team ID
Team name
To-do Assigned by {todo.assignedBy__name}
Case Number {todo.caseId__caseNumber}
Due date {todo.due}
Email reminder {todo.emailReminder}
To-do ID {}
To-do Number {todo.number}
Status {todo.status}
Type {todo.todoType}
Usage overage Overage type {type}
Warning threshold {warningThreshold}
User Confirmation code {code}
Days until deactivation {daysUntilDeactivation}
Days until expiry {daysUntilExpiry} 
Name {name}
New email {newEmail}
New username {newNick}
Previous email {originalEmail}
Temporary password {password}
Reset link {resetLink}
First name {user.firstName}
Username {user.nick}

Format the HTML Body

Text formatting you apply in the HTML Body will be retained in the notification message. Use the text formatting toolbar to change the font style, such as bold or italic font, bulleted or numbered lists, tables, headings, and hyperlinks. The example below shows how formatted text in the HTML Body will be displayed in the notification message.

HTML Body Field Text Example Notification Message

A new incoming email has been attached for your case {#case}{caseNumber}{/case}.

  • From: {email.senderName}
  • Subject: {email.subject}

View the email

A new incoming email has been attached for your case 2021-11-0004.

  • From: John Doe
  • Subject: Re: Interview Notes

View the email

Add a Link in the HTML Body

To add a clickable link in a notification:

  1. Highlight the text you want to make a link in the HTML Body field with your mouse cursor and click the link icon in the text formatting options. You can edit an existing link in the notification by clicking the link text, then clicking the link icon. 
  2. The Link popup will be displayed, so you can set the type of link and where the link will navigate users. 
    1. Display Text: set the text to include in the notification message that users can click to access your link. If you highlighted text in your notification message prior to clicking the link icon, the text you highlighted will already be in the “Display Text” field.
    2. Link Type: select the type of page to which the application should navigate the user when they click on the link from the following options:
      1. “URL”: navigate the user to a website.
      2. “Email”: open a draft email to send a message to an email address. The browser will open the draft email in the user’s default email client.
      3. “Phone”: load a phone number in the user’s default telephone service application. 
  3. After you select a “Link Type”, additional fields will be displayed to enter the link address and more details depending on the link type. The additional fields for each “Link Type” selection are listed in the table below these steps.
  4. When you have completed the additional fields, click Ok to save your link. Save your changes to the notification message by clicking the Save button on the notification's form. 

Link Type Selected Additional Fields in the Link Info Tab
  • Protocol: the text before the “://” characters in a URL, which tells the user’s browser how to interpret the URL. Check the URL for the link you want to create and select that protocol in the Protocol dropdown:
    • “http://”: standard type of URL to send and receive information.
    • “https://”: an encrypted HTTP request or response.
    • “ftp://”: transfer files from a server to a client on a computer network.
    • “news://”: exchange information from a news article.
    • “<other>”: a different protocol than the options available on the list. 
  • URL: the link to which you want to navigate users. You can use tags in the URL so that the link will be relevant to the specific case, record, or action.
    • For example, if you enter “{system.baseUrl}/case/{}”, the link will navigate users to the case page for the relevant case to the notification. The system will input your Case IQ application’s URL in place of the “{system.baseUrl}” tag.
  • Email Address: enter the email address that will be loaded in a draft email when the user clicks the link.
  • Message Subject: type in the email’s subject. 
  • Message Body: write in any text that Case IQ should include as the email’s content.
Phone Phone number: enter the phone number that the user’s device will load when clicking the link.

List of Default System Notifications

Name Subject Message
Account Expiring Soon Account Expiring Soon

Hello {name},

Due to prolonged inactivity your account is going to be deactivated in {daysUntilDeactivation} day(s).

Please login to the application before this time elapses.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/{loginUrl}] to login.

External Account Expiring Soon Account Expiring Soon


Due to prolonged inactivity your account is going to be deactivated in {daysUntilDeactivation} day(s).

Please login to the application before this time elapses.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/{loginUrl}] to login.

Case Reassignment - New Assignee Case Assigned ({case.caseNumber})

{case.caseNumber} [{system.baseUrl}/case/{}]

You have been assigned a Case by {}.

 * Case #: {case.caseNumber}

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/case/{}] to open the Case.

Case Reassignment - Previous Assignee Case Reassigned ({case.caseNumber})

{case.caseNumber} [{system.baseUrl}/case/{}]

You have been unassigned from a Case by {}.

 * Case #: {case.caseNumber}

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/case/{}] to open the Case.

Notify Reporter Case Updated Case Updated ({case.caseNumber})


Your case has been updated, click here [{system.baseUrl}/external/case/{}] to view.

Configuration Import Complete Configuration Import Completed{@gt key=errorCount value=0} With Errors{/gt}

A configuration import has been completed{@gt key=errorCount value=0} with {errorCount} {@eq key=errorCount value=1}error{:else}errors{/eq}{/gt}.

{@gt key=errorCount value=0} 

Please see the Integration Log [{system.baseUrl}/settings/system/integration-log/{parentEventId}/{jobId}] for more details.


Email attached to case has been replied to Email attached to your case {case.caseNumber} has been replied to

An Email attached to your Case ({case.caseNumber}) has been replied to.

 * From: {email.senderName}

 * Subject: {email.subject}

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/email/{email.emailThreadId}?msg={}] to view the Email.

Email Changed Email Changed

Hello {user.firstName},

Your Email has been changed by {}

 * New Email: {newEmail}

 * Original Email: {originalEmail}

If this is not you or there is an error with this information please contact your system administrator.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/login] to login.

Shared File Expiration Update File Share Expiration Notice

The expiration date for a link shared with you has been changed to {expiryDate}.

You can access the link here [{system.baseUrl}/shared-link/{id}]

You will receive a separate email with the verification code. 

User Added to Investigative Team Investigative Team ({case.caseNumber})


You have been added to the Investigative team on a Case.

 * Case #: {case.caseNumber}

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/case/{}] to open the Case.

New incoming email attached to case New Email received for your case {case.caseNumber}

A new incoming Email has been attached to your Case ({case.caseNumber})

 * From: {email.senderName}

 * Subject: {email.subject}

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/email/{email.emailThreadId}?msg={}] to view the Email.

External Password Generated New Password

A new password has been generated for you.

This is a temporary system generated password which expires in {daysUntilExpiry}  day(s). Please change your password after logging in.

 * Password: {password}

If this is not you or there is an error with this information please delete this email and contact your system administrator.

Password Generated New Password

A new password has been generated for you.

This is a temporary system generated password which expires in {daysUntilExpiry} day(s). Please change your password after logging in.

 * Password: {password}

If this is not you or there is an error with this information please delete this email and contact your system administrator.

Password Expired Password Expired

Hello {user.firstName},

Your password has expired. Please contact your system administrator.

If you have forgotten your password you can try to request a password reset here [{system.baseUrl}/forgot-password].

External Password Expired Password Expired


Your password has expired. Please contact your system administrator.

If you have forgotten your password you can try to request a password reset here [{system.baseUrl}/{forgotPasswordUrl}].

Password Expiring Password Expiring Soon

Hello {user.firstName},

Your password will expire in {daysUntilExpiry} day(s). Please change your password before this time elapses.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/change-password] to change your password.

External Password Expiring Password Expiring Soon


Your password will expire in {daysUntilExpiry} day(s). Please change yourpassword before this time elapses.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/{changePasswordUrl}] to change your password.

Username Reminder Password Generated

Hello {user.firstName},

A new password has been generated for you.

You will receive a follow-up email with your new password.

 * Username: {user.nick}

 * System: Case IQ ({system.baseUrl} [{system.baseUrl}])

If this is not you or there is an error with this information please delete this email and contact your system administrator.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/login] to login.

External Username Reminder Password Generated


A new password has been generated for you.

You will receive a follow-up email with your new password.

 * Email: {user.nick}

 * System: CaseIQ ({system.baseUrl}/external [{system.baseUrl}/external])

If this is not you or there is an error with this information please delete this email and contact your system administrator.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/{loginUrl}] to login.

External Password Reset Requested Password Reset Requested


We received a request to reset the password associated with this email address. If you made this request, please follow the instructions below.

If you did not request to have your password reset, you can safely ignore this email.

Click the link below and use this code to confirm that you have requested a password reset: {code}

{resetLink} [{resetLink}]

If clicking the link doesn't work, you can copy and paste the link into your browser's address window, or retype it there.

Password Reset Requested Password Reset Requested

Hello {user.firstName},

We received a request to reset the password associated with this email address. If you made this request, please follow the instructions below.

If you did not request to have your password reset, you can safely ignore this email.

Click the link below and use this code to confirm that you have requested a password reset: {code}

{resetLink} [{resetLink}]

If clicking the link doesn't work, you can copy and paste the link into your browser's address window, or retype it there.

To-Do Reminder Reminder: To-Do (#{todo.number}) is due {todo.due}

{todo.caseId__caseNumber} [{system.baseUrl}/case/{}] / {todo.number} [{system.baseUrl}/to-do/{id}]

This is a reminder that an upcoming To-Do is due in {todo.emailReminder} day(s).

 * Case #: {todo.caseId__caseNumber}

 * To-Do #: {todo.number}

 * To-Do Type: {todo.todoType}

 * Status: {todo.status}

 * Due Date: {todo.due}

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/to-do/{}] to open the To-Do item.

Notify Investigative Team Shared File Read Shared File has been Read


A file shared on Case #{caseNumber}, {fileName}, has been read by {email}.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/file/{attachmentId}] to open the File.

Notify Case Owner Shared File Read Shared File has been Read

{caseNumber} [{system.baseUrl}/case/{caseId}]

A file shared on your Case, {fileName}, has been read by {email}.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/file/{attachmentId}] to open the File.

Status Update Complete Status Update Complete
All {entityName} statuses have been updated.
Notify members removed from Team Team ({})

{} [{system.baseUrl}/settings/access/team/{}]

Your membership for the following team has been removed.

 * Name: {}

 * Description: {team.description}

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/settings/access/team/{}] to open the Team.

Notify members added to Team Team ({})

{} [{system.baseUrl}/settings/access/team/{}]

You have been added as a member to the following team.

 * Name: {}

 * Description: {team.description}

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/settings/access/team/{}] to open the Team.

Todo Assignment To-Do (#{todo.number}) assigned to you by {todo.assignedBy__name}

{todo.caseId__caseNumber} / {todo.number}

{todo.assignedBy__name} has assigned you a To-Do of type {todo.todoType}.

Case #: {todo.caseId__caseNumber}

To-Do #: {todo.number}

To-Do Type: {todo.todoType}

Status: {todo.status}

Due Date: {todo.due}

Click here to open the To-Do item in Case IQ: {system.baseUrl}/todo/{}

Username Changed Username Changed

Hello {user.firstName},

Your Username has been changed by {}

 * Username: {newNick}

If this is not you or there is an error with this information please delete thisemail and contact your system administrator.

Click here [{system.baseUrl}/login] to login.

Shared File Verification Code Verification Code

Please enter this verification code in the file sharing portal: {verificationCode}

Thank you,


Notify Reporter New Case Submitted We have received your case, {case.caseNumber}

Thank you for using the online portal. This email is to confirm that we have received your case.

You can access your case by logging in here [{system.baseUrl}/external/case/{}].

Usage Overage You have exceeded your {type} allowance

You have exceeded your {type} allowance. Please click here [{system.baseUrl}/settings/system/usage-dashboard] to see details.

Usage Threshold You have reached {warningThreshold}% of your {type} allowance

You have reached {warningThreshold}% of your {type} allowance. Please click here [{system.baseUrl}/settings/system/usage-dashboard] to see details

Notify Reporter Child Form Shared {entityName} Shared

A {entityName} has been shared with you, click here [{system.baseUrl}/{entityUrl}] to view.

Notify Child Form Updated {entityName} Updated

A {entityName} has been updated, click here [{system.baseUrl}/{entityUrl}] to view.

Shared File Link {subject}


Access files here [{system.baseUrl}/shared-link/{id}], please note this link will expire on {expiryDate}.

You will receive a separate email with the verification code.



Example 1: Adding a Case Tag to a Notification

The “Case Re-assignment - New Assignee” notification will be used to demonstrate how to add a field name tag, the “Case Type” field, to a case notification’s subject line.

  1. Click the Edit button on the notification’s page.
  2. Enter the tag into the “Subject”. In this example, the tag for the “Case Type” is “{caseType}”.
  3. Click Save. Now the system will include the “Case Type” in each notification subject line.

Example 2: Adding an Email Tag to a Notification

In this example, the “Email attached to case has been replied to” notification will be updated to combine the relevant email record’s body text in the notification’s content using a field name tag.

  1. Click the Edit button on the notification’s page.
  2. Enter the tag into the “HTML Body”. In this example, the tag for the email’s “Body” field is “{email.body}”.
  3. Click Save. The system will now add in the email body of attached cases in the notification content.
