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Generate a Summary for a Case Using AI

Summarization Copilot  Premium Feature 
Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive to learn more about this feature.

You can quickly create professionally formatted summaries, policy recommendations, and timelines of case investigations with the Case IQ's Summarization Copilot, powered by AI. The Summarization Copilot generates content with consistent formatting and information, so you can focus on analyzing case findings, rather than writing proceedings. You can only see the Summary tab or copilot fields on a case's page if you have permissions to generate AI content. 

Summary tab on a case's page.


Summary tab or copilot field missing?

If you have permissions to generate AI content but do not see the Summary tab or copilot fields on cases, the Summarization Copilot has not been activated for your application. 

Generate Content in a Copilot Field

You can add generate content using Case IQ's Copilot AI if your application's case form contains copilot fields. Copilot fields have a magic wand icon () beside them, as shown in the example "Relevant policy" field below.

Copilot field highlighted on a case's page.

You can use copilot fields while the case is in edit mode, as described in the following steps. If a copilot field is available on the New Case form, you can also use the following steps when adding a case.

  1. On a case's page, click the Edit Case button. 
  2. Click the Generate button under the copilot field.
  3. The Copilot will begin generating content in the background. You can continue editing the case or navigate away from the case's page while it works on generating the content. 
  4. When your content is finished, you will receive a notification. Click the link in this notification to navigate to the case's page.
  5. Back on the case's page, click the Edit Case button again.
  6. Click the Review button under the copilot field.
  7. In the "Review AI draft" pop-up, you will see the content that the Copilot generated. Click the Add to Case button if you would like to use this content as a first draft.
  8. The generated content will be loaded in the copilot field, where you can edit it.
  9. When you are done editing the content, click the Save button on the case's page.
  10. The "Certify content" pop-up will be displayed, where you must certify that you reviewed the AI-generated content. After checking off the certification box, click the Continue button.
  11. The content you generated and edited will now be displayed on the case's page. 

AI-Generated Content May Not Be Accurate

Content generated by the Copilot are not intended to recommend an outcome, resolution, or restorative action. Review the draft before saving it to the case.

Generate a Summary

You can also generate summaries from the Summary tab on a case's page. To generate a case summary:

  1. On the case's Summary tab, click the Generate button. If you do not see the Summary tab, you may not have permission to generate summaries for the case. 
  2. Select either the “Brief” or “Detailed” option in the Generate button menu. The system will take more time to generate detailed summaries. 
    1. See the next sections, Brief Summary Format and Detailed Summary Format, for details on the information that will be included in each type of summary.
    2. The Summarization Copilot cannot include files recently added to the case that have not been processed by the system yet. Case IQ will notify you if there are still pending files when you try to generate a summary.
  3. The Summarization Copilot will begin to generate your summary. You can continue your work in Case IQ while it works on generating it.
  4. When your summary is finished, you will receive a notification with a link to the summary draft. Click the link to see your summary.
  5. You will be navigated to the Summary Draft page, where you can read through and edit the generated summary. Let the Case IQ team know how the Summarization Copilot did by clicking the thumbs up or down icon. 
  6. Save the summary to the case's page by clicking Publish. You can see the published summary on the case's Summary tab. 


AI-Generated Summaries May Not Be Accurate

Summaries generated by the Summarization Copilot are not intended to recommend an outcome, resolution, or restorative action. Review the summary draft before publishing it to the case.

Brief Summary Format

Brief summaries describe the incident, involved parties, outcomes, and resolutions of the case in 1 to 2 paragraphs. The Summarization Copilot will review the following fields to generate a brief summary:

  • The case’s mandatory and system fields.
  • Their custom forms' dynamic fields.
  • Their parties' names and types.

Detailed Summary Format

Detail summaries describe the entire case investigation in several pages. These summaries include the following sections: 

  • Executive summary: describes the incident and involved parties, using fields on the case intake and party forms.
  • Investigation details and evidence: summarizes the evidence collected during the investigation by reviewing the case’s forms by type. To capture the information revealed during the investigation, the Summarization Copilot uses the fields that are not available on the case intake form.
  • Timeline: provides a chronological view of events, using the case’s workflows.
  • Conclusion and recommendations: lists the key case findings using the data in the previous sections of the generated summary. This section details what happened, who was involved, what evidence was collected, what were the outcomes, how long the investigation took, and what were the supporting documents. It also includes one of the following recommendations for the organization using these conclusions: 
    • No action.
    • Provide counselling or training.
    • Discipline the employee(s).
    • Transfer the employee(s).
    • Terminate or demote the employee(s).

Edit a Summary

You can edit a summary after publishing it from the Summary tab. Use the following steps to make updates:

  1. On the case's Summary tab, click the Options () button beside the Generate button.
  2. Select "Edit summary" in the options menu.
  3. On the Edit Summary page, you can make changes to the summary in the text editor. 
  4. When you have completed your changes, click the Save button.

Download a Summary

After generating a summary for the case, you can download it as a .docx or .pdf file. The downloaded summary will have the same text formatting as it does in Case IQ.

  1. On the case's Summary tab, click the Options () button beside the Generate button. 
  2. Select “Download” in the options menu.
  3. Choose the file format in which you want to download the summary. You can select .docx or .pdf.
  4. Click Download summary. Your browser will begin downloading the file.

Delete a Summary

If you need to permanently remove a summary, you can delete it from the case's page.


Delete Permanently

When you delete a case summary, you will not be able to recover it. If you regenerate a summary later, it will not contain exactly the same wording as the previous summary.

  1. On the case's Summary tab, click the Options () button beside the Generate button.
  2. Select “Delete” in the options menu.