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Add, Edit, and Delete Record Link Types

You can create and manage record link types in your application on the Record Link Types page in Settings. When linking two of a case's records, such as parties, to-dos, and files, users will choose a record link type to describe the relationship between the records. You can manage the available record link types available from the Record Link Types page in Settings.

To review all record link types currently available in your application, select the “Record Link Type” option on the Data tab. 

Record Link Types page in Settings under Data tab.

Add a Record Link Type

To add a record link type, click the Add Record Link Type button on the Record Link Types page. Complete the New Record Link Type form and click the Save button or the “Save and Copy” option in the Options () button menu to quickly add another record link type.

The New Record Link Type form has fields for the "Record link type" and "Bi-directional record link type". Entering a "Bi-directional record link type" is not required. However, if you are adding a record link type for a cause-and-effect relationship, you can fill in both fields to describe the relationship for each record involved.

For example, suppose we want to create a record link type to indicate that one of the case's records, such as a party, provided the information contained in another, like a note. This is a cause-and-effect relationship, which we can describe from both the party's and note's perspectives. 

  • The party provided the note, so it is the "cause". 
  • The note was provided by the party and is the "effect" of this relationship.

In this example, "provided" is the best way to describe the link for the "cause" record, while "was provided by" describes the link for the "effect" record. This means that we would enter "Provided" as the "Record link type" and "Was provided by" as the "Bi-directional record link type".

Using the "Sequence" field, you can enter a number to indicate the position in the "Record link types" list in which the record link type and bi-directional record link type should appear. If you do not add a sequence number, the record link types will be sorted alphanumerically.

Edit a Record Link Type

You can update a record link type's sequence from the record link type's page:

  1. Click the Edit button. 
  2. The record link type's page will now be in edit mode. Use the text boxes to update the record link type's sequence in the "Record link types" list. 
  3. When you have completed your changes, click the Save button.

You cannot edit the "Record link type" and "Bi-directional record link type" fields after the New Record Link Type form is initially submitted for data integrity purposes. If you made an error typing in the "Record link type" or "Bi-directional record link type", delete the record link type, then add a new record link type with the correct "Record link type" and "Bi-directional record link type".

Delete a Record Link Type

If you need to permanently remove a record link type, you can delete it from the record link type's page directly. To delete a record link type, click the Options () button on the record link type's page and select the "Delete" option. The system will warn you if there are existing record links using the link type and you can choose to either:

  • Migrate the records links to another record link type, then delete the record link type.
  • Delete the record links alongside the record link type.